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Prohibited List and Side Effects

  • Overview

    • Anabolic drugs are drugs that help to assimilate in the human body. It is a drug that has been tempted by many athletes in the past because it is very helpful for muscle growth. But it's a drug with a lot of side effects.
    • Typical medications include testosterone, stanozol, and clenbuterol.
  • Side effects

    This drug has side effects such as increased risk of liver disease (e.g. hepatitis, liver cancer), increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, severe acne, and increased risk of sudden death in severe cases. Please check the gender side effects.

    Anabolic Agents Side effects
    The possible side effects to women Hirsutism (whole body including face), menstrual cycle disturbance, hair loss, clitoris hypertrophy, stretch marks, voice masculinity, etc.
    The possible side effects to men Testicular atrophy, decreased sperm count, spermatosis, erectile dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, enlarged prostate gland, breast hypertrophy, hair loss, etc.
  • Overview

    A classification that includes hormones and related drugs that can improve performance by engaging in various control functions of the human body. Growth hormones and erythropoietin (EPO) are among the representative S2.

  • Side effects

    peptide hormones, growth factors, associated drugs and similar agents Side effects
    Growth hormones (hGH) body specific deformity, diabetes, joint weakness, heart disease
    Side effects of erythropoietin (EPO) May die of hypertension, stroke, and vascular obstruction due to thrombosis
  • Overview

    A drug that acts specifically on the beta receptors of the sympathetic nerve and has an effect on bronchial dilatation. Representative drugs include salbutamol and formoterol.

  • Side effects

    Palpitations, headache, arrhythmia, muscle cramps, nausea, nervousness, tremors

  • Overview

    Artificially, hormones and metabolic modifiers can be used to change the levels of certain hormones in the body. Typically, Insulin and the like correspond to S4.

  • Side effects

    Insulin, a representative substance, is widely used to treat diabetes, but it has side effects such as hypoglycemia, which can lead to death.

  • Overview

    This drug controls the amount of moisture in the body and can be abused for weight control and weight loss. Some of the most popular drugs are furosemide, spironolactone, etc

  • Side effects

    Severe low blood pressure (which can lead to death), severe dehydration (which can lead to death), fainting, muscle cramps and muscle aches, confusion

  • Overview

    a drug that increases the body's activity and reduces fatigue so that a player can exercise continuously.

  • Side effects

    It increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and arrhythmia and can cause side effects of insomnia, anxiety, rapid weight loss, dependency and addiction symptoms, dehydration, tremors, heart rate and blood pressure rise.

  • Overview

    A drug used as a treatment for neural and cancerous pain. In Korea, it is a drug that is tightly controlled under the law on drug management. Typical S7 drugs include Morphine and Fentanyl.

  • Side effects

    May cause strong poisoning symptoms, anxiety, hallucinations, and confusion.

  • Overview

    As a hemp extract, cannabinoids are a drug that should not be used by not only athletes but also non-athletes in accordance with the laws on drug administration in Korea.

  • Side effects

    Respiratory disorder, cognitive impairment, dependency, psychotic disorder

  • Overview

    Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs, and representative drugs include prednisolone (prednisolone) and triamcinolone .

  • Side effects

    Hypertension, osteoporosis, decreased immunity, thrombosis, endocrine disorders, increased blood sugar, muscle loss, cataracts, glaucoma, pancreatitis, fractures

  • Overview

    Drugs that block the sympathetic beta receptors to reduce heart rate and improve concentration. Only prohibited in certain sports (shooting, archery, etc.)

  • Side effects

    Fatal bronchial seizures (which can lead to death), hypotension, heart disease (arrhythmia, heart failure), poor concentration, sleep disorders, sexual dysfunction, chronic fatigue

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